Our services
Since the beginning of our business in 2004, we have always been the innovative kind thanks to the utilization of cutting edge products and techniques and to the vast array of services we offer to satisfy every possible customer desire. From project managaement to labour supervision, we always apply the most competitive fees. Call us for a free consultation.
Buildings maintenance
At Impresa Edile Eugenio Cassano, customers are our priority and we do everything we can to ensure that they are always totally satisfied. With this service, we are able to tackle even the most complex projects and constantly ensure the exceptional quality of our work. Call us today and find out more about what we can do for you.
Isolamento a cappotto: applicazione esterna di pannelli coibentanti per proteggere gli edifici da dispersioni termiche. Si usano materiali isolanti come polistirene espanso, lana di roccia o altri prodotti.
Preparazione del sottofondo: eventuale rasatura e livellamento della superficie mediante malte e stuccature per ottenere una perfetta planarità.
Applicazione del primer: stesura di un primer fissativo ottenuto con resine sintetiche, che facilita l'adesione del cappotto.
Posatura dei pannelli coibentanti: vengono incollate delle lastre di materiale isolante sul muro da coibentare, garantendo la continuità termica.
Stesura della rete: applicazione di una rete in fibra di vetro per la protezione dei pannelli.
Stuccatura e finitura: rasatura e stesura delle malte rasanti per proteggere esteticamente il cappotto.
Buildings maintenance
At Impresa Edile Eugenio Cassano, customers are our priority and we do everything we can to ensure that they are always totally satisfied. With this service, we are able to tackle even the most complex projects and constantly ensure the exceptional quality of our work. Call us today and find out more about what we can do for you.
Site management
When you are looking for high quality work, the Building Firm Eugenio Cassano is the solution. Our team of professionals is able to provide a vast array of customizable alternatives the satisfaction guarantee you were looking for. Contact our office right now, to discover more about this and other available services.
If you need a quote, an advice, or even just an information, we are happy to help you. Fill out the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.
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